Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bz week.....

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

I heard the result for A41 PAC and exam SPA for A29 are out. 
CONGRATULATION to all candidate that make it to next stage. I know u will feel the excitement for the next stage.

For A41, be prepare for the interview with SPA.
For A29, u have to prepare for PAC which i think is more likely like A41 PAC. U may read my entry about how the PAC will be conducted. I will share some more information later about role play.


for this time being, i was really bz with KLIA 2 training. The training already started since last year and toward the opening this coming MEI 2014, there a lot more training and refresher will be conducted. We have our theory classes for KLIA2 operation with Mr Andrea Ponziani from ENAV, the ATC authority from Italy. They come all the way from Italy to share their knowledge and experience especially regarding runway crossing operation. Of course, I have to prepare for an exam tomorrow and the passing mark is 70% and above. 

Remember as long u are an ATC it is a never ending training.

I hope i could share some information for stage 3 and the additional info for PAC later after i have finish my training.

For those who already send the email request for the notes, i will reply it later. And for those who asked me to send to them, i really hope that u could send the email to me first. Like i mention earlier in the entry, it much easier for me to send through my mobile phone since i store it in there.

So hope to see u next entry........ wish me luck for my exam tomorrow



  1. ~n.Yan~ Good luck !
    Got the report duty letter, waa...at long last, can't believe that I have actually been accepted.
    Btw kak, kat dlm surat ada tulis jadual registration and orientation. Seminggu orientation, then medical exam class 3. Boleh akak terangkan proses medical exam ni, is it difficult? And about the orientation, will it take the whole week til Sunday, then we start course straightaway, or have break first then start course? :)

  2. Hi n.Yan,

    Good to hear a good news. Alhamdulillah and finally. Berkat kesabaran dan doa u and ur parents kan? Anyway congratulation and welcome to the DCA. Orentation mmg take about 1 week. Masa akak orientation dulu from Monday till thursday and friday tu they give us time to make the medical exam. Next week yer tu kalo ur medical exam xde masalah mmg akan terus start Primary course. Remember once u in the system xde cuti2 haaaa.... Masa tgh kursus dlm gov mana boleh cuti dan ia nyer akan berterusan with classes and exams.

    Berkenaan medical exam tu, it called Medical Class 3. It medical exam khas utk ATC and Pilot tp pilot dipanggil medical class 1. Tak susah pn cuma exam medical biasa. Ambik berat dan ketinggian, check mata dan rabun warna, check air kencing, ambik darah, ambik x-ray, buat pemeriksaan ECG dan tambahan nyer ada pemeriksaan pendengaran. Masa pemeriksaan pendengaran tu u will sit in one cubic and they will play some kind of sound to ur ear, right and left. U have to response to the sound each time u heard it. (ada case yang dh dpt masuk dlm system tp sbb fail hearing test kene dismiss dari ATC). Sbb medical exam is important because ia akan tentukan samaada u boleh buat operation atau tidak. Even ada juga case fail ujian diebetes pn xleh buat operation. Medical exam nie bukan sekali nie jer. Mcm kami yang dh terlibat dgn operation pn kene gi medical exam every 2 years utk bawah umur 40 tahun. Untuk yang dh 40 ke atas, u have to do medical exam every year kalo u nak buat operation and get ur ATC elaun. It a requirement dalam lesen tu. Nak wat medical exam class 3 nie pn bukan boleh pegi sebarang tempat/klinik. DCA ada list all the qualified klinik yang telah dilantik. U can choose to go to all this panel. Xpe nnti masa orientation, instructor akan bg penerangan lg psl medical exam nie.

    Anyway, once again, congratulation and celebration, Welcome to the DCA and enjoy ur journey as an ATC.

  3. Good morning Jana.
    For sure you passed your exam and i'm glad because that means you have shared something with me during our classroom.
    I assure you that i'll try to improve my ICAO level 5 english placement (oral and written...) but your comment about "Pizza, spaghetti and Parmigiano" smells more like a prejudice...sometimes it is not so easy to keep so many people awake, especially after lunch, when speaking about procedures and Independent parallel approaches.
    As i told you i'm not a teacher but a colleague trying to share this important event with all of you...using our common operative expressions.
    I hope you'll find the practical phase at the simulator more interesting
    All the best


    1. Hi Andrea....

      1st of all i would like to apologize if u feel offense about that phases of pizza, spaghetti etc.. I should take it out right.... I sure u that it doesn't means anythings since all of us still trying our best to improve our ICAO English especially when we are influence by our local essence. I know it not easy for u to come here, share ur knowledge and at the same time keep us awake with all those procedures...

      I do appreciated u and ur team knowledge sharing during theory class and the practical simulator. I did passed all that ready to operate a new runway with new task of crossing...
      thanks to u and ur team. As a new joiner of ATCO u and ur team experiences really help me a lot with this new task.... Once again i do apologize and and hope u and ur team contribution to our new terminal KLIA2 operation make me the good ATC in future..... :)


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