Assalamualaikum dan Salam 1Malaysia
Ramai yang email me tanya tips untuk PAC AATCO A29. Secara keseluruhan me dah share what to expect masa PAC nanti dalam entry sebelum nie.
Tapi sebab PAC yang me bagi sblm nie maybe utk A41 so bila A29 nak PAC, uolls ingat it different. Sebenarnyer PAC akan berlangsung sama jer baik for A41 or for A29. Format or stage dia sama jer. So uolls leh baca entry tu dan buat persediaan ok. Cuma me nak add beberapa perkara la.
*** Show ur good ATTITUDE.
*** Show ur CONFIDENT. Nervousness come when u are not prepare.
*** As far as i know there a basic document that u need to bring along during PAC. Rasanyer cuma document yang penting sahaja mcm ur diploma or ur degree (if u have one). Pada yang KPSL tu boleh bawak primary and aerodrome cert from academy. Lain document or certificate sekolah or masa U tu bawa masa interview dgn SPA jer nnti.
*** Show ur good ATTITUDE.
*** Show ur CONFIDENT. Nervousness come when u are not prepare.
*** As far as i know there a basic document that u need to bring along during PAC. Rasanyer cuma document yang penting sahaja mcm ur diploma or ur degree (if u have one). Pada yang KPSL tu boleh bawak primary and aerodrome cert from academy. Lain document or certificate sekolah or masa U tu bawa masa interview dgn SPA jer nnti.
*** Nie me nak tekan sekali lagi. Masa baca role play or passage description, pastikan perkataan uolls terang, jelas dan betul. Pada masa yang sama fahamkan apa yang uolls baca tu. Soalan yang diberikan oleh examiner maybe tentang sebaris ayat dalam passage tu ke, atau she/he will ask what do u understand about the passage la, or examiner akan highlight certain words for u to describe. Kat sini your aviation knowledge amat penting. Mr google ada. So buat la research cikit pasal ATC and aviation ok.
*** Passage description tu memang aviation related ok. So sapa yang ada terbaca berkaitan dengan aviation tu uolls boleh improve ur knowlegde and term in aviation. Kalo baca notes yang me share tu pun maybe uolls akan jumpa bbrp terms aviation yang baru. Selain tu Mr Google ada so rajin-rajin la cari bahan. Bukan nak suh hafal pn, just to let u familiar with some terms jer.
*** One of the examiner yang me tanya bitau me yang candidate A29 nie selalu nyer lebih creative dari candidate A41 especially part presentation during stage 3 untuk group discussion. Sometimes they come out with something interesting masa nak present. Ada yang wat sketsa la, ada wat macam-macam la and they normally perform in group with a leaders. So sapa yang rasa nak jadi leader tu, u can step up BUT make sure u become a good leader. Let everybody speak and contribute. Yang paling penting DON'T DOMINANT!!! and jangan jadi BISU pulak.
*** Since AATCO A29 nie biasanyer after abis kt academy they will be transferred to the airport around Malaysia. So your knowledge about airport kt Malaysia nie should be good. Any info berkaitan airport pun kene tau. Cuba cari info berkaitan KLIA 2. That i think one of the most discussing topics by the examiner. Kene ingat KLIA 2 bukan new airport ok. It just a new terminal extended to the existing KLIA with a new control tower and new runway. So bila KLIA 2 dah beroperasi, secara keseluruhannyer KLIA ada 3 runway ok. Sama juga kalo sebut LCCT. Kalo tanya driver taxi mesti dia kata LCCT is a different airport tp sebenarnyer LCCT dan KLIA adalah airport yang sama, cuma terminal nyer jer yang berbeza.
*** Antara topics yang pernah kuar masa group discussion from previous PAC are about lady controller (what is your opinion about lady controller in Malaysia), KLIA 2, airport threats, low cost carrier.
*** Antara topics yang pernah kuar masa group discussion from previous PAC are about lady controller (what is your opinion about lady controller in Malaysia), KLIA 2, airport threats, low cost carrier.
*** Secara keseluruhanyer kalo tanya examiner, apa yang dieorang nak tgk adalah your confident level jer. Uolls didn't need to speak like Mr Middleton. U just need to speak simple and proper english jer. As long as it can be understand by the examiner sbb nak jadi ATC memang English is the priority and a must.