Monday, December 27, 2010

Blog yg bersawang :|

Hi hi hi........
Long time no news.....
Bukan malas tp saya "bz bz bz"
tipikal reason utk org yg sememangnyer malas nak update blog sampai dh bersawang bukan setakat labah-labah jer yg ada, lipan, lipas, gonggok dan segala mcm serangga dh buat rumah kt cni dh......
Xpe la at least serangga2 nie pernah merasa jgk kehidupan yg aman dan selesa kt blog saya nie......
selepas ini blog ini akan diupdate dgn latest news and apa2 jer yg rasa nak share
KERANA saya sudah bercuti dan no presure lagi kt akademi
ini termasuk nak share "habitat" aku time tension2 iaitu MEMASAK.......
Maybe nak share resepi kot......... :)
tu pun kalo masih berasa agak rajin....
tu semua subject to change

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For the Rest of My Life

praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart

My younger sister and my younger brother asked me to play this song during my wedding day. They said they have a collection of Maher Zain song which suitable for a wedding day. I when through his profile and i love this song so much that i think i will continue playing inside me most of the time now....... It really a good song.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Counting the big day

Huhuhu..... Kalo perasan kt tepi tu ada countdown to my big day or our big day. 4 days in counting. After almost 9 month of engagement we will soon be bond with ikatan suci bernama pernikahan.

How do i feel now? Me myself can't give the exact answer and i didn't know how to answer it.... Maybe nervous, happy, tired all in one place. The preparation started 3 month earlier little by little but the real job come in 1 week before the solemnization. Masa ini semua benda yg diatur mula nampak bayang-bayang nyer. Dan masa nie jgk la itu tak cukup, itu tak kene, itu nak kene ganti dan macam-macam. Tapi my nervous feeling first came masa pegang kad undangan perkahwinan di tangan. Tah mcm mana leh menggigil lak tgn tu. Tak tau nape. Maybe sbb tgk ada nama sendiri kt kad menunjukkan it not "play-play". Maybe before tu kita cuma buat apa yg perlu dan rasakan patut utk majlis but hasil fizikal come from thing like that, mcm kad kahwin, hantaran, beli door gift, and other things yg nampak dan pegang. Then masa nak ambik barang hantaran pun mcm tu. Nampak jer hantaran tu dgn warnanya yg mmg kita hendak and it come out lovely so ada dap dup dap dup gak la........

Dh nak dekat nie byk la jgk dugaan nya. Itu tak kene, ini tak kene, itu tak betul, ini tak betul and sometimes we fight at the end of our conversation. Semua tu syaitan jer punya keje. Org nak mendirikan masjid nie mesti la syaitan mula gelisah dan mula menghasut dan cucuk jarum sbb kalo pasangan tu berjaya bernikah maka syaitan dah xde keje dah. Masa nie la setiap dugaan yg datang walaupun ianya kurang disenangi kene cuba cool kan diri. (tapi aku nie jenis yg tak bape sabar, nak buat mcm mana tu..... :| ) . Xpe la itu namanya pelajaran baru sebagai pasangan iaitu give and take and persefahaman.

Aku pun tak tau jalan macam mana yg aku akan tempoh sepanjang perkahwinan kami nnti tapi aku sentiasa berdoa agar ianya diberkati oleh Allah dan direstui oleh semua. Semoga alam baru yg bakal kami bina bersama, membawa kami ke Syurga dengan petunjuk dan bimbingan daripadaNya.....

Ya Allah
Andai Kau berkenan, limpahkanlah kepada kami cinta, yang Kau jadikan pengikat rindu Rasulullah saw dan Khadijah ra, yang Kau jadikan mata air kasih sayang Imam Ali kw dan Fatimah ra, yang Kau jadikan penghias keluarga nabiMu yang suci.

Ya Allah,
Kami memohon redhaMu. Satukanlah kami sebagai suami isteri yang saling mencintai di kala dekat, saling menjaga kehormatan di kala jauh, saling menghibur di kala duka, saling mengingatkan di kala bahagia, saling mendoakan dalam kebaikan dan ketaqwaan, saling menyempurnakan dalam peribadatan.

Ya Allah
Satukalah kami dalam inayah dan barakahMu. Moga menjadi Nur ibadah kami yang mendambakan rahmatMu.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Surat Buat kekasih

Buat kekasih
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Semoga berada di bawah lindungan rahmat Allah taala dan sentiasa dikurniakan taufiq, hidayah dan istiqamah dalam meniti alam perjuangan.

Kita bersyukur kepada Allah taala yang masih mengurniakan nikmat iman dan Islam pada diri kita serta kesabaran dan ketabahan bagi menghadapi ujian-ujian kehidupan.

Oleh kerana besarnya pertanggungjawaban dan kepentingan persoalan rumahtangga yang hendak kita bina dalam kehidupan ini, diri ini terdorong untuk menulis surat ini bagi menyatakan perkara-perkara penting yang harus diperhatikan sebagai peringatan untuk kita bersama. Semoga ada kesepakatan antara kita dalam hal ini.

Rata-rata manusia, apabila memperkatakan tentang perkahwinan akan mengaitkannya dengan kegembiraan dan keseronokan. Diharapkan, kita mempunyai perasaan yang betul dalam menghadapi alam perkahwinan nanti.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud
“Berpesan-pesanlah kamu sekalian dengan kebaikan terhadap para wanita. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah pembantu-pembantu kamu yang tidak memiliki apa-apa bagi diri mereka sendiri. Sesungguhnya kamu mengambil mereka dengan amanah Allah dan menghalalkan kemaluan mereka dengan kalimah Allah.”(Riwayat At-Turmuzi)

Dalam hadits ini Rasulullah s.a.w menyatakan bahawa isteri adalah amanah Allah taala kepada suaminya. Pengertian amanah di dalam hadits ini boleh kita lihat pula dalam firman Allah taala
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu dari api neraka.” (At-Tahrim : 6 )

Subhanallah!! Bagaimana kita tidak merasa gerun dengan hakikat ini. Untuk menyatakan diri ini telah berjaya untuk memelihara diri dari api neraka adalah terlalu jauh, kini harus pula menerima amanah lain dari Allah taala dan memikul tanggungjawab pula untuk melepaskannya dari api neraka.

Apa pun bentuk amanah, ia adalah suatu yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah taala. Oleh sebab itu, langit dan seluruh isi dunia tidak sanggup untuk memikulnya.

Seorang mukmin, atas hakikat yang dinyatakan, seharusnya merasa insaf. Oleh itu, rasa seronok dan gembira adalah terlalu ganjil baginya dalam persoalan ini tetapi kenapa perkahwinan ini harus dilaksanakan juga?

Demi Allah, jika tidak kerana kepentingan Islam dan dakwah, jika tidak kerana untuk mencontohi sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w maka tidak berupaya rasanya untuk memikul amanah ini.

Walau pun amanah ini besar dan pertanggungjawaban terhadapnya menggerunkan, namun kepentingan Islam dan dakwah yang terdapat dalam perkahwinan adalah lebih besar untuk dicapai dan tidak wajar untuk dihalang oleh perasaan gerun yang ada dalam hati.

Semoga langkah kita ini menepati dengan firman Allah taala yang bermaksud
“Jika kau telah berazam, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah.” (Ali-Imran : 159)


Ingatlah juga, bahawa rumahtangga ini adalah sebahagian dari fasa-fasa perjuangan yang harus kita jayakan bagi mencapai matlamat suci kita – Islam sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam. Rumahtangga ini adalah nucleus bagi masyarakat Islam yang cemerlang.

Oleh kerana ia adalah sebahagian dari perjuangan di atas jalan dakwah, maka ia juga tidak akan terlepas dari sunnah jalan dakwah ini. Bahawa sunnah jalan dakwah ini dulu, kini dan akan datang bukanlah jalan yang merehatkan. Ia bukan juga jalan yang dihampari oleh permaidani merah dan ditaburi oleh bunga-bunga yang indah. Ia adalah jalan yang penuh ujian dan kesulitan tetapi di hujungnya terdapat kemanisan. Maka tidak seharusnya kita merasa bersedih hati di kemudian hari atau merungut atas kesulitan dan ujian yang akan dihadapi.

Oleh kerana ia adalah sebahagian dari perjuangan, maka kepentingan perjuanganlah yang akan mencorak rumahtangga ini. Kepentingan perjuangan ialah kepentingan Islam dan masyarakatnya serta wadah perjuangan yang mendokongnya.

Bagi kita ‘Baiti – Daulati’ – Rumahku, Daulahku.

Jika kita fahami apa yang dinyatakan tadi, maka tentulah diri kita saha terlalu kerdil untuk memikul tugas ini. Hanya dengan bantuan Allah sahaja kita akan berjaya. Namun…. sejauh mana Allah taala akan membantu kita adalah terletak pada sejauh mana kita mampu menepati kehendak-kehendakNya. Oleh itu, kemungkaran adalah sesuatu yang asing dan sangat sensitif bagi rumah tangga ini kerana ia adalah penghijab bagi kita dari bantuan Allah taala dan akan lebih menyukarkan jalan ini.


Bagi seorang mukmin, kecintaannya hanyalah kepada satu – cinta kepada Allah taala. Kalau ia harus mencintai yang lain, maka ia adalah cinta kerana Allah taala. Inilah ikatan yang akan mengikat hati kita – cinta kepada Allah dan bercinta kerana Allah. Semoga dengan ini kita akan digolongkan di dalam salah seorang dari tujuh golongan yang mendapat perlindungan Allah taala di padang mahsyar kelak – lelaki dan wanita yang saling mencintai kerana Allah taala semata-mata.

Tanpa ikatan perkahwinan ini pun, hati kita telah diikat dengan rasa ukhuwwah fillah, kesatuan fikrah dan matlamat dari satu wadah perjuangan yang sama. Ikatan-ikatan ini sahaja sudah cukup untuk kita saling mengasihi antara satu sama lain. Kini, ia akan dikukuhkan lagi dengan ikatan perkahwinan. Begitu kukuh ikatan antara kita, adalah terlalu malang jika ia akan diuraikan oleh faktor-faktor keduniaan.

Di hati ini selalu terbisik – berapa lamakah rumahtangga ini akan kita tempoh bersama?

Setiap kali apabila membaca berita-berita dunia, sering kali terpanggil untuk menyahut seruan untuk membela umat Islam di merata dunia- di Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Palestin dan lain-lain. Mungkin akan tiba satu masa yang mana menyahut seruan ini akan menjadi satu kewajipan yang tidak boleh kita elakkan lagi. Apabila masa ini tiba, ana berharap anti akan kekal bersama. Semoga ana tidak menjadi seperti tiga orang sahabat yang dicela kerana tidak keluar ke medan Tabuk disebabkan kelalaian oleh harta dan rumah tangga (rujuk surah At-Taubah : 118) dan anti tidak menjadi seperti isteri yang dinyatakan di dalam surat At-Taghabun : 14-15 (lihat sebab turun ayat ini).

Diharapkan tempoh pertunangan kita yang beberapa bulan ini mencukupi untuk kita bersama berfikir mengenai apa yang dinyatakan di atas dan menyiapkan diri kita.

Akhir kata, simpanlah surat ini baik-baik semoga ia akan menjadi bahan tazkirah bagi kita bersama, anak-anak kita dan generasi seterusnya.

Semoga Allah taala memberkati rumahtangga ini dan mengurniakan kita kekuatan untuk sama-sama melayari bahtera ini dgn bimbingan dan keberkatan dariNya.

Salam kasih, wassalamualaikum.


Surat ini diambil dari link dibawah utk renungan kita bersama. Bagi yang nak mendirikan rumah tangga semoga ianya dapat dikongsi bersama..........

Monday, May 31, 2010

Up To The Mountain

Up to the Mountain by Crystal Bowersox

I went up to the mountain
Because you asked me to
Up over the clouds
To where the sky was blue
I could see all around me
I could see all around me

Sometimes I feel like
I’ve never been nothing but tired
And I’ll be walking
Till the day I expire
Sometimes I lay down
No more can I do
But then I go on again
Because you ask me to

Some days I look down
Afraid I will fall
And though the sun shines
I see nothing at all
Then I hear your sweet voice, oh
Oh, come and then go, come and then go
Telling me softly
You love me so

The peaceful valley
Just over the mountain
The peaceful valley
Few come to know
I may never get there
Ever in this lifetime
But sooner or later
It’s there I will go
Sooner or later
It’s there I will go
I love this song. It likes saving the best for last, Crystal really nail the song in most heartfully feeling i ever seen in her performances in American Idol. Even she didn't win the title in American Idol (which i really do hope she will) but she still can put some colours in the music industry because she is very different in her own ways..... Go MamaSox :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


Believe by Travis Garland

I'm looking at the future
I see it in your face
I don't where you came from, you came from
But girl, you can tell me on your way

I ain't no Casanova
And I'm not spitting you no game
Your heart's been broken over and over
But I'll make you trust in love again

You know way too many of these same old guys
They tell way too many of these same old lies
Girl, I ain't just anybody, put your faith in me
I will make you believe

I used to be so lonely
Felt like a man up on the moon
The stars were my directions, directions
Leading me straight here to you

You know way too many of these same old guys
They tell way too many of these same old lies
Girl, I ain't just anybody, put your faith in me
I will make you believe

I'm gonna make believe
I'm gonna make believe
Believe, Believe

Hello heart, let me in
All your cracks, I'm gonna mend
Hello heart, let me in
I'm gonna make you try again

You know way too many of these same old guys
They tell way too many of these same old lies
Girl, I ain't just anybody, put your faith in me
I will make you believe

I'm gonna make believe
I'm gonna make believe
Believe, Believe, Believe, Believe

This unknown singer, Travis Garland was given three minutes of airtime to perform his track, 'Believe' at American Idol result show to reveal the 2 idols which will perform at the finale of American Idol 9 next week. His talent are discovered from You Tube by the guy name Perez Hilton ( i really didn't know who he is but from my reading, he one of the people who use You Tube to discover a new talent like Lady Gaga, Katty Pery and Justin Beiber). During the short conversation with Ryan Seacrest, Perez boasted that Travis is better than Justin Timberlake.

Keep your dream on Perez

He is not even close to J.T and J.T not won the Grammy and Emmy award by accident. J.T really earn it!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the show, i can said that i didn't like his performance. I could barely hear his vocal but i can tell that he is a good dancer BUT not at the J.T level. The sound of his voice i think u can found thousand and thousand in You Tube or even better.

The only credit that i can give to him is this song. I do enjoy the lyrics but not the music.
Maybe because it is a stage performance, so they must be a slightly change in music arrangement.

I can't wait to hear the studio version of this song. Maybe the sound could be better than this performance.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bz, bz and zzzzzzz

As always i would like to apologize for not updating my blog. Alasan macam biasa la, bz or xde masa tp tetap ada masa utk zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Anyway tomorrow will be my final exam for Aerodrome Control Course. Theory part only take about 2 week where last week we had our progress test and i got slightly above the pass mark. Ok lah tu usaha sendiri kan dari orang lain yg dapat markah tinggi-tinggi sbb dapat kertas soalan pagi test tu.......... apa org kata .....BERKAT tu penting (hehehehe tp kalo orang bagi kertas soalan tu pun aku tak kisah. Nie stok dengki tak dapat kertas peksa la nie.......).

So mlm nie kene struggle sikit sbb byk yg nak kene hafal. So kene pastikan masuk otak dan tak kuar2, bak kata Mr Zul mesti copy and paste jgn cut and paste.

By next week practical part will start and we will be divided into 8 class and working in shift. Maybe there will be morning and evening shift and change every 1 week. Didn't know how the management will decide. Just wait and see. First need to pass and concentrate on the final theory part tomorrow.

During the practical week maybe i have a lot of time to spent so one of the thing that i may be do is updating this blog. A lot to say and a lot to write by then.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It come to the end

Today was the last final paper for the Primary Courses....... FINALLY
so now
what we can do is waiting for the result to come out.
The briefing just now given by Miss Anna
that we have to come on FRiday evening at 3pm
to get
our official result.
It will determine whether u have to stay AND re-seat for the failed paper
u can proceed with ur 2 week ATTACHMENT for
ur chosen airport.
i can pass all the paper, go to the attachment
come back to do the 2nd stage which is
which will start
10 May 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The View from Above

Most people don’t give them a second thought, but air traffic controllers are among the people who ensure travellers reach their destinations safely.

Like a game of chess, air traffic control is all about tactical manoeuvres and strategy, says a seasoned air traffic controller (ATC).
However, instead of starting with 16 chess pieces, a controller juggles with up to 35 aircraft at any one time. And rather than setting and achieving long-term goals like in chess, he focuses on where to place different planes in a limited time in a smooth sequence.

A view of KLIA from the air traffic control tower

The goal? To shepherd the planes safely to their destinations and to prevent an aerial pile-up. When a chess player loses, the result is dejection and a bruised ego, but when an ATC “loses”, many lives are lost.
Most of us take ATCs for granted. After all, how many of us would thank the ATCs when our flights arrive or depart punctually, or we arrive in one piece? The fact is, ATCs are like the pilot’s extra pair of eyes and brain. Using sophisticated radar systems that provide an overview of the airspace, ATCs can help pilots manage flight paths.
On the ground (airport), ATCs provide clearance for landing, taxing on the runway and parking at the gate.
“When we are in the airspace, we can’t spot the other planes so we depend on the ATCs to give us advice,” says commercial pilot K. Abu Bakar, 35, who has been flying for 13 years.
“ATCs are like traffic policemen — they direct aircraft traffic and make sure aircraft are kept at a safe distance. The final responsibility lies with the pilot, especially during emergencies, and sometimes he may divert from the ATC’s instructions. But it’s safe to say ATCs and pilots play almost a 50-50 role in ensuring flight safety,” he adds.
One of the worst crashes in aviation history happened in 1996 in India when a language mix-up between pilots and ATCs resulted in a mid-air collision between a Kazakh Airways cargo plane and a Saudi Airways Boeing 747 with 350 fatalities.
In 2001 in Japan, confusing instructions from inexperienced ground controllers led to a near-collision between two jumbo jets. In 2006, a Nigerian airliner crashed, killing 96 passengers, because the pilot didn’t heed the advice of traffic controllers to wait out the stormy weather before taking off.

ATCs also play guardian angels to pilots in distress.Klang Valley-based air traffic controller K. Mani Vannan, 31, recalls an accident when a trainee pilot got lost on his solo flight from Johor Baru to Malacca due to bad weather.
“He sounded terrified, and I don’t blame him because imagine yourself flying in between big clouds and not being able to see where you are,” says Mani.
The inexperienced pilot was flying using visual reference points and had no experience with instrument controls. An experienced pilot would have switched to instrument controls when visibility gets bad.
“His plane’s height was insufficient to be picked up by radar so he was instructed to climb higher,” says Mani. “Turned out he was almost 100km off route. We guided him back to the right path and he landed safely in Malacca.”
Malaysia’s civil aviation standard is, thankfully, on par with developed nations. Under the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), our air traffic management functions with clockwork precision and abides by standards drawn up by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
So far there hasn’t been any major accidents caused by the errors of ATCs.

How it works
In Malaysia, the Subang Air Traffic Control Centre handles all aircraft that criss-cross Peninsular Malaysia’s airspace, and the arrivals and departures at the numerous airports, including the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). In contrast, the KLIA Control Tower only handles arrivals and departures at KLIA.

“On average, we are talking about 30 aircraft an hour in just the approach landing area (40 miles radius prior to destination), and about 2,000 to 2,200 aircraft movements in a day,” says Subang-based Balasubramaniam Muttaya, director of Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre. He handles the Kuala Lumpur Flight Information Region (KL FIR).
Aircraft surveillance is done with radars strategically placed around the country. Outside these areas, aircraft are tracked using satellites. In addition, KLIA and Kuala Terengganu airports have state-of-the-art ground radars called MLAT (Multilateration) that track all the movement on airport grounds.
Say a pilot is flying from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Baru, he would put in a flight plan stating the route he’s taking, at what altitude and the emergency equipment he has onboard.
“The ATC will start to arrange the sequence of the planes that are flying from over 100 miles or more. He’ll instruct the pilots on who lands, who needs to hold up, lose time or depart later. We have a standard minimum of five nautical miles (9.6km) separation and 1,000ft (304m) vertical separation between two aircraft in a controlled airspace, and a three-nautical mile (5.5km) separation during approach landing,” says Balasubramaniam, who joined ATC fresh out of school and rose through the ranks.
Cruising at an average speed of 300 to 400 knots per hour (555.6kph to 740.8kph), a plane needs at least 8km to 16km to reduce its speed by 200 knots.
“You must think and act fast when sequencing the airplanes, otherwise traffic overtakes you,” explains Balasubramaniam.
The margin for error is so slim that it is considered unacceptable that planes be separated by 4.8 nautical miles, Balasubramaniam adds.
When a near-miss occurs, Balasubramaniam suspends the controller until the case is fully investigated. All radar information and communication between pilots and controllers are recorded. If the ATC is at fault, he or she will be suspended for four to five months and required to go for re-training.
“Of course, I must be fair to all sides. Sometimes it’s pilot error or even my fault, like when my instructions are not given properly,” says Balasubramaniam whose career spans 35 years.
“Touch wood but we have had no major crashes so far,” Balasubramaniam adds. “Most delays are caused by unpredictable weather and the scheduling by airlines during peak hours.”
Other factors include bad visibility during extreme weather, a wet and slippery runway, oil spillage on the ground and debris on the runway.
A common problem that ATCs encounter is language barrier. One of the most important criteria in becoming an ATC is proficiency in English, the common language in the aviation industry.
ATCs Suzana Sumanan

Coping on the jobIt’s no secret that an ATC’s job is one of the most stressful. But after 12 years, KLIA-based Suzana Sumanan, 43, has learned to take things in stride.
“At KLIA, we work in teams if there’s less traffic. If one person takes a break, the other takes over the controls,” says Suzana who is among the 24% of Malaysian ATCs who are women.
“We are only allowed a maximum of one hour to 1½ hours at the controls each time to avoid burnout. Then we rest for 30 minutes, get refreshed before returning to our shift.”
ATCs work six-hour shifts or 12-hour shifts, depending on their schedule. After each 12-hour shift, they get to take two days off. Sometimes, though, they are called back when someone goes on emergency leave.
“I think the recovery time is good enough. When I leave the building, I make sure I leave work behind,” says the mother of four kids who enjoys cooking for her family and watching TV to relax. “
“What’s important is that we follow procedure to the tee, are alert and aware of any new instructions like the closing of a runway.”
Balasubramaniam monitors his staff closely to ensure they don’t bring their personal problems to work.
“I’ll try to counsel them and find out what’s wrong,” says Balasubramaniam. “It’s important to have open communication.”
In his 30 years as an ATC, Nagayaindran S. Narayanan, 51, has seen it all.
He’ll never forget the sight of charred bodies being lugged out of the badly burnt international transfer corridor of Subang Terminal 1 in the 90s. He was the one who spotted the billowing smoke from the control tower and alerted the Airport Fire and Rescue services.
ATCs Nagayaindran
“I remember once rushing to Subang Airport for my afternoon shift to find the control tower looking like a mammoth pot sitting on a camp fire,” recalls Nagayaindran, now the principal assistant director of Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre. The October 1992 fire was caused by a disgruntled ATC.
“It was painful. It was my ‘home’ and a place I came not only to work, but to get my daily dose of excitement.”
Long-time ATCs like Nagayaindran will never forget the historical moment when KLIA started operations for the first time on June 30, 1998.
“Like flocks of migrating birds, the entire MAS fleet flew from Subang to KLIA,” says Nagayaindran.
“My colleagues and I cleared the aircraft to land for the first time in KLIA. It was a culmination of a meticulous plan initiated years before — the procurement of equipment, installation, training and the certification of ATCs were orchestrated to perfection.”
After three decades, Nagayaindran still gets a kick out of a day spent at the controls.
“Each day is never the same; one drama is different from the other. Even after so many years, the sight of these airplanes’ graceful performance is a sight to behold,” he admits.
“When you manage to squeeze the maximum number of planes safely through your chunk of airspace or runway, it gets your adrenaline pumping and it’s exhilarating!”
Source from The Star

The excitement of this job that i may soon experience and who knows maybe, someday there will be my pics in this and proudly say about the experience and the job........... insyaallah :)

A Good Career Option - Air Traffic Control

So, are you cut out to be an air traffic controller (ATC)? Here are the perks: it offers among the most lucrative wages in the civil service plus all the benefits, and you only clock in an average of 15 days a month and never need to take your work home.

Sounds like a sweet deal.

But the catch is that you must be the sort that doesn’t buckle under intense pressure, can think on your feet and make snap decisions, and a team player.

Currently, Malaysia has 661 licensed ATCs whose ages range from the early 20s to 63. Altogether, 967 people are required. This means 192 posts are still vacant, says Ahmad Nizar Zolfakar, director of the Air Traffic Management Sector of the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). “The current number of ATCs is enough to cater to our day-to-day operations. However, controllers need to attend refresher training and courses for career development. It’s difficult to find staffers to cover the shifts when some ATCs are sent for training,” says Ahmad Nizar
To qualify for an ATC post, you need to be a diploma or degree holder in any field. Once accepted, you have to undergo 66 weeks of training at Malaysia Aviation Academy (Mava). A three- or four- month, on-the-job training at operation rooms will follow before a trainee goes for exams. If you pass with flying colours, you will get your ATC licence.
A word of advice from ATC Sahrol Nizal: “Prepare yourself mentally as the initial training demands a lot from you. Lots of people drop out halfway because they can’t cope with the subjects and the stress (even while in training). You have to be really determined!”
Entry-level wage for a diploma-holder is around RM2,400, and RM3,000 for a degree- holder. An ATC with five years’ experience can expect to take home between RM3,200 and RM4,300 plus medical and housing perks and overtime allowances. Beyond the pay and perks, most long-time ATCs stay on because of the thrill and sense of pride they derive from their jobs.
“I love the challenge. It’s no longer stressful once you’re seasoned at it,” says Sim Mong Heong, 61. Sim retired at the age of 56 but rejoined DCA on a contract basis.
“When you’re dealing with so many planes coming in all at once but you take all of them as near as possible and have enough separation and no delays, you’ve done a great job.”
“You have to love aviation to take on the job,” adds Nagayaindran S. Narayanan who has 30 years of traffic control experience under his belt. “Mistakes are unforgiving, the hours are ungodly, the weather messes up your plans and the money doesn’t commensurate with the risk . . .
“But at the end of the day, the job satisfaction trumps it all. You either love it or hate it, never in between. The choice is yours!”
■ If you’re interested in becoming an ATC, visit the Public Service Commission website to check vacancies and to apply online: Or visit tel: (03) 8871 4000

So anyone interesed to join and take the challenge. I still in the early stage and have a long way to go and to experience.......... :)


I am losing my touch

This morning when i wake up, i am a little bit upset. I AM LOSING MY TOUCH..........

Last night since we didn't have any tips on what to read on SAR and AIS for this coming final exam, so most of us just do their own job. Some see a movie, some play the games termasuklah aku sekali........ Since there no other things to do, i opened the laptop and saw that there is no internet connection. I thought they have shut the router yestesday. Mr Azman informed they need to install the anti-virus so last night mmg xde internet connection at MAVA.

So lagi bosan lah budak2 nie termasuklah aku.........

Mula la cari idea nak buat apa kan...... Teringat la kt hard disk lama yg dh lama tak bukak...... Bukak jer hard disk nampaklah koleksi Japanese series tu...... Lama dh tak layan Japanese series nie....... Lama gak tgk files dlm hard disk tu. Duk perhatikan nak tgk cerita yg mana. Nak tgk cerita sedih ke, nak tgk cerita lawak ke, nak tgk cerita budak2 sekolah ke...... Lama gak la duk perhati files tu sbb some of the series dh abis download tp tak tgk lagi....... At last bukak la cerita Nodame Cantabile under catogery cerita lawak. Last time tgk cerita tu tak ingat dh tgk sampai episode bape so bukak jer la dari awal episode 1. Mula tu layan lagi la, gelak2 sorang kt bilik sbb rumate turun bawah nak install game dari budak lelaki........ Abis episode 1, dh puas gelak, behenti jap gi bilik sebelah tgk apa Fiza and Linda buat kt bilik. Tgk2 Fiza dh tido, Linda tgh duk layan cerita Wolverine. Xde la tak seronok pun so balik ke bilik semula. Sambung episode 2 sampai la..................

Tau2 jam loceng ayam KFC tu berkokok menunjukkan dh pkl 6 setgh pagi.........
AKU TIDO MASA TGH TGK CERITA JEPUN!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN I??????????????
Where is my passion goes when it come to japanese drama and series..... Do i'm losing my touch already.......? tu yg datang sedih jer bile bgn pagi...... pandang jer screen laptop yg ada gambar akhir cerita tu before it stop ngan sedih sekali........
Dulu masa tgh "GILER" dan bergelar "Hantu Jepun", jgn kata nak tido. Sanggup tunggu depan laptop nak abiskan satu cerita tu bile dh siap download. Dh la satu cerita tu ada dalam 8 ke 10 episode. Satu episode dlm 40minit so all together utk abiskan semua cerita tu, jawap yer mmg tak tido lah........Pantang asal ajer abis download terus nak tgk sampai teringat2 kt opis, dah set dlm kepala otak nie, cerita dh abis download and balik nak gi tgk...... Sampai ada satu masa, cerita tu baru release di Jepun and xde subtitle tapi still nak download sbb nak tgk sambungan episode cerita tu. Tgk jer la, and faham2 sendiri sbb nak tunggu subtitle dia dlm 2 or 3 days baru leh dapat RAW subtitle or about 1 week for hardsub dier........ tu pun bile dah dapat RAW ulang lagi cerita tu and then bile dapat hardsub dia ulang lagi cerita tu but still masih boleh tgk lagi cerita tu sampai pagi and sometimes tak tido langsung.........

TAPI sekarang baru tgk 2 episode dh zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... Sedih yer....... Nampak yer nak kene cari interest and passion lain la pulak............. :(


Monday, April 12, 2010

MAvA is in high alert

When i came back to the hostel yesterday, my rumate Fara informed me that Hafiz (usually we call him Abah) from Airbus class is admitted to the Putrajaya Hospital due to Denggi Berdarah. I'm in quite a shock. It reminds me of Arwah Din Beramboi who died several weeks earlier due to the same reason. Some of the students have visited him at the hospital and up till now, his condition is still in danger. His platelet is really low and still need to take the medicine to control his fever. News from student who have visited him informed that the fever have effected his lung and he need a lot of rest. He have been advised by the instructor who have visited him to have a good rest and not thinking about the incoming exam. Administrators will take care of his exam later when he is better.
Normally when there is case of Denggi there will be an immediate action taken from the hospital to the patient resident. They will start doing the fogging or etc but until now there is no action taken from the hospital or the admin. I have to admit that we live in the air condition room and maybe, just maybe that there is no mosquito here...... So not sure where he got that infection.

Refer to the condition at MAvA now; there are a lot of student that have a high fever and cold. I myself have a fever last week but i feel much better now except for my tonsils still in the mode of healing (need to take a lot of water). Today, 3 of my class member (Fiza, Fuad and Fauzi) have to go to the Klinik Kesihatan and they have to go for a blood test. Probably the result will be out tmr. Fauzi have been suspected as denggi fever since last week when he took the blood test and the counting of his the platelet is low (not too low but still low than usual counting) . Mr Apandi, our class advisor already warned the student to take an immediate action if there is any symptom of fever or cold. Students have to take care of their health especially in the end week of courses with a lot of exam coming..........

This morning also we have been surprise by the news of 2 inches water "flooded" inside the administrative buildings. We could saw the workers is sweeped the water outside the building. All the sofas, cupboard and several items is ruined by that water. Several Instructor room also effected. One of the rooms is Mr Raj, our instructor for Meteorology subject. Some student also make a joke about the Mets re-seat Final paper due to the final paper that we took last Friday is "sweep" by that water inside his room (Of course we didn't want to re-seat the final Mets again due to the technical problem like this....... Go and asked the contractor and JKR engineer to re-seat for us). We also didn't have to punch in and out today.
Mr Apandi informed probably it due to the faulty of air flow from the toilet tank at the 2nd floor. (Blame the JKR and contractor of that building). It is not surprise that this incident happen at the government building - we have seen more of this in news. In facts MAvA is still a new construction building (not achieve 1 year yet. DCA got this building from JKR on Sept last year) but still this could happen.......... again go find the contractor and also the JKR engineers.
Director General have come today to see the damaged at the admin building and there also have urgent meeting among them. By right, DG should have meet with student today due to Hafiz condition but the meeting is cancel and we being asked to make our own revision.

We also make a joke to Mr Apandi that we would like to make an aduan to the Metro and Berita Harian on this....... hehehehehehe

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cobaannnnn. Hai mambang tanah, mambang air, mambang api, mambang angin

Musim2 nak exam nie byk dugaan aku....... Start dari balik rumah ari tu aku dh rasa mcm tak sihat jer....... Sekali ari isnin mlm tu mmg badan dah panas...... Dah la esok nyer exam Nad Aids...... Aku study sambil bersandar kt katil sbb tak tahan punggung nak duduk kt kerusi study tu...... Dh bersandar tu tau jer la mesti nak terlelap...... Makan ubat Fara bagi......

Lepas mkn ubat terus tak ingat....... Before tu sarung baju sweater bulu yg baru beli tu..... Selimut lagi ngn toto yg ada....... Tido pulak bersandar kt kepala katil...... Masa tu Fara masih study lagi........

Kt tepi katil nie ada note yg nak kene hafal utk exam esok. Fara kata Faeza tido sampai mengigau / mcm berdengkur pun ada panggil mak...... Aku mmg mcm tu...... Kalo bdn panas jer asal tido jer mesti mcm mengerang sakit........ Hehehehe aku ingat dulu2 aku kalo demam mmg nak tido ngn mak. Mak bentang tilam single kt tgh rumah tu utk aku tido pastu dia tido sebelah....... Selimut sampai 2,3 lapis nak bagi berpeluh.......pastu nanti mak tuam kepala ngn air sejuk pakai towel. Bile towel tu dh kering jer nnti aku mula la mengerang, pastu mak bgn basahkan towel tu pastu tekap balik kt dahi........ Kadang2 mak lumur air asam jawa.......

Dulu masa kecik sampai la before aku masuk matriks asal nak masuk bilik doctor mesti ngn mak aku...... Kt matriks dulu pun tak pernah nak masuk sorang..... At least nak kene ada org teman....... La nie jer dh berani sikit nak masuk sorang2........ :) ye la kene la belajar survive sendiri.........

Pagi tu bgn bdn dh berpeluh sikit tapi masih still rasa panas...... Bertambah panas bile paper Nad Aids kene tangguh pasal soalan bocor....... Masa tu terus naik kepala..... Rasa masa tu batu ada duduk dlm kepala tp aku continue class Air Nav sbb tak mau kene tinggal belajar plotting (penting tu). But then tgh ari tu dh tak tahan dh...... Aku mintak no En Apandi n no Miss Anna. Mintak kebenaran utk skip klas petang........ Nasib baik dapat..... Aku tido sampai la pkl 5 bgn pegi punch card. Masa tu kepala dh ringan sikit dh......

TAPI tekak nie pulak buat hal..... Perit semcm jer....... Bila minum air rasa pedih semacam. Berpeluh main badminton pun tak jadi gak..... Rasa makin teruk lagi ada........ Last2 mlm tadi gi klinik. Thanks Zal, teman ayang gi klinik. Susah2 jer balik keje terus datang cini........ Doctor kata xde apa2..... suhu pun tak tinggi sgt...... Cuma tonsil ada bengkak sikit, sbb tu perit bila minum or mkn. Doctor bagi ubat demam, antibiotik, selsema n sakit tekak..... Semua ubat besar2 gaban....... Kalo tak dipikirkan nak exam esok mesti aku tak mkn ubat2 tu mcm selalu..... Kan senang suruh demam tu kebah sendiri tp mkn masa la sikit...... :)

Skrg nie yg tak tahan yer tekak nie..... Bile dia perit or gatal, dia akan buat batuk tu semcm sampai rasa nak termuntah tp xde kahak...... Rasa mcm nak tercabut jer tonsil tu...... Kalo lah leh kuarkan jer tonsil tu, mesti aku nak basuh cukup2........ Dlm kelas pun tak selesa, rasa mcm mengganggu org lain nak belajar jer bila batuk tu....... Tak tau la nnti exam mcm mana....... Hopefully ok kot........

Xpe la, org kata, Allah kalo sayang org tu mesti nak test sikit...... Xpe aku redha jer....... :) Hopefully i can do well utk exam tomorrow.........


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The very Stupid Things Happen Today

Today suppose to be the Final Exam for Navigational Aids but after 45 minutes exam, suddenly Ms Anna Ting Ting Ting come up in front and start to say something. Earlier i just want to ignore it and continue answering the question BUT she come out with the instruction,

"We have to stop this exam and re-exam again because some of you got the question paper. This is the prove"

You can see at her hand there a several paper with the nice writing. It not 1 but at least 5 of the paper with a good hand writing consist of question and answer exactly the same in the final paper. You can saw the printed version of the final paper too.

What a stupid, stupid, stupid things to do............

U know that u have the question and still u bring that to the exam hall (maybe u want to memorised it BUT please use your brain........ U can memorise and keep that things in the class room instead of at the exam hall). U knew that Ms Anna have nothing much to do except to check everything on what student might do then u stupid enough to put that paper behind of the hall. Of course she will check everything (she also check our cupboard during inspection in the hostel room) of course she will spot that paper..........

Another stupid things is u brought the printed version of the question paper into the hall. Exactly the same as the final paper WITH THE MARKS INSIDE........ If we want to argue with the instructor about that question (cause maybe it just the coincidence), of course we will lost in any court because u have the printed version. Exactly the same question words by words. Tak pandai nak cover..................

I have to admit that i also got that question. I got it last night (but not the printed version) and had answered all the question. I just memorised the answer for the exam. BUT it still not fair because Mr Razi have given us enough hint during the class earlier. So my answer actually already been done much earlier (before i got that question) when i make my short notes refer to the hint given by Mr Razi.

BUT STILL i can't accept the STUPID things that have been done by someone who i think can think enough of their action..........

We can saw the frustrated face at Mr Razi. It really shown....... It feel like we have failed him by doing that things. Fara said he come into the class with the red eyes and said that he very disappointed with us..........

Then we have our "lecture" by Ketua Pengarah, Tuan Haji Remli at the auditorium around 11am this morning. About the things that just happen earlier. He also expressed his disappointed that this things can happen in this batch.
There will be a big chances that we may also have to re-seat exam for not only Nad Aids BUT also for the other 4 Final exam that we have earlier............... (what the hell !!!!!!!!!!)

Very frustrated :(

Monday, April 5, 2010

Final exam - Primary ATC Course

Bile belajar je ada pekse...... Bile pekse jer belajar.......

Bak kata prof aku pekse nie dibuat utk menguji tahap kefahaman student. Kalo xde exam budak2 xbaca buku. Buku tu nnti jadi perhiasan jer..... Ha tu yg datang belajar utk jawab peksa jer..... Lepas abis pekse abis hilang semua....... Hehehehe biasa la tu kan........

Kat primary course nie pun sama jer 2x5=10. Student is being evaluate from the final exam for each of the primary course subject. But some of the subject not need for final exam but have an assignment to be submit in certain time. From 13 subject in this courses, 11 subject need for a final exam that carry 90% or 80% of mark and add with the progress test.

We have done final exam for 4 subject and starting tmr another 7 will approaching one by one. 2 final paper for each week i think is fair enough for us. Only that the gap between Air Nav and ATS will be a little hard to carry because both subject it tough and we only have 2 days to study for ATS. We see if there is any other new amendment for the final schedule but as far as i know that the final arrangment as told by Mr Razi since HQ need all the result by 22nd April and student just have to wait for the attachment letter the following week (if student pass all the exam). Who ever need to repeat the paper will stay for the fail paper and proceed for the attachment. So moral of the story whether u pass or not, u still have to go to the attachment.

So far, i have passed all the 4 subject (Alhamdulillah). Berkat doa mak and org2 yg tersayang........Most of the mark is in average...... :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BIle xde keje nak buat.......

Hehehehe...... setelah sekian lama menyepi kini aku kembali......
Ceh tiba-tiba semangat nak update blog pulak skrg.....

Nie semua gara bukak fb pagi td tgk status kawan aku...... Salah seorang member masa sek men dulu terpilih sebagai 50 most visited blog..... Aku pun tak tau blog apa yg dia buat BUT the newspaper have her and her daugther pics at the front page of the Berita Harian edisi Johor.......

Then tiba2 aku pun teringat la blog aku nie..... (ada blog rupanya aku nie)

Tak bz tp buat-buat bz utk tidak mengupdate blog nie........ As i told earlier, awal2 jer aku semangat but then nanti terbiar sepi.........

Ye la dh namanya student yg dibayar gaji so kalo nak berkat kenalah belajar tanpa mengakses laman-laman web yg tidak perlu nie...... (hehehehe fb boleh pulak yer)

BUT janji tetap janji...... when i have the time then i will start share my life as undergoing ATC...... There so much i like to write and share since the 1st day i'm in MAvA. I do hope it will help others who interested in this job.....

But still i need the right time to update all.........

So then


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When I look at you

When I Look At You
by Miley Cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the night's so long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when i, i, i look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and i
Can't find my way home anymore
That's when i, i, i look at you

When i look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who i am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong and i know
I'm not alone

Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when i, i, i look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and i
Can't find my way home anymore
That's when i, i, i look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that
Cover me
All i need
Every breath that i breathe
Dont you know?
Your beautiful

Yeah yeah..

When the waves are flooding the shore
And i cant find my way home anymore
Thats when i, i
I look at you
I look at you

Yeah yeah..
Oh oh..
You appear just like a dream to me..


I found this song when i watched American Idols episode last week. Miley Cyrus is a guest mentor to the Idols and she performed during the result show and sung this song........

I like the melody, i like the lyrics (it remind me about him) and i like this song..........


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two Is Better Than One

Two Is Better Than One
by Boys Like Girls ft Taylor Swift
I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done

Two is better than one
Two is better than one
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