Bak kata prof aku pekse nie dibuat utk menguji tahap kefahaman student. Kalo xde exam budak2 xbaca buku. Buku tu nnti jadi perhiasan jer..... Ha tu yg datang belajar utk jawab peksa jer..... Lepas abis pekse abis hilang semua....... Hehehehe biasa la tu kan........
Kat primary course nie pun sama jer 2x5=10. Student is being evaluate from the final exam for each of the primary course subject. But some of the subject not need for final exam but have an assignment to be submit in certain time. From 13 subject in this courses, 11 subject need for a final exam that carry 90% or 80% of mark and add with the progress test.
We have done final exam for 4 subject and starting tmr another 7 will approaching one by one. 2 final paper for each week i think is fair enough for us. Only that the gap between Air Nav and ATS will be a little hard to carry because both subject it tough and we only have 2 days to study for ATS. We see if there is any other new amendment for the final schedule but as far as i know that the final arrangment as told by Mr Razi since HQ need all the result by 22nd April and student just have to wait for the attachment letter the following week (if student pass all the exam). Who ever need to repeat the paper will stay for the fail paper and proceed for the attachment. So moral of the story whether u pass or not, u still have to go to the attachment.
So far, i have passed all the 4 subject (Alhamdulillah). Berkat doa mak and org2 yg tersayang........Most of the mark is in average...... :)

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